Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP) is committed to funding research. Partnering with other organizations—whenever possible—to work on projects provides better value, as expertise can be shared and resources and funding can be leveraged.
Back in 2020, we changed the way ALP accepts research proposals. Creating structure for this process allows ALP to properly budget for research projects each fiscal year and ensures the projects we support align with ALP’s strategic plan.
As a reminder, ALP’s Research Proposal Structure is as follows:
- ALP will be placing a call out to researchers to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) for upcoming research projects for which they will be seeking a monetary or in-kind investment from ALP. This call out will happen once a year, beginning in January of each fiscal year, and will have a submission deadline provided.
- The LOIs that are submitted by the deadline will then be reviewed by the ALP Board of Directors by the end of April each fiscal year. The Board will then select the projects for which ALP would like to see full proposals. The researchers who have been selected to submit full proposals for further consideration will have until the end of June, each fiscal year, to do so.
- The ALP Board of Directors will then review the full proposals and decide by mid-end of August which projects to fund.
- Lastly, ALP will then reach out to all proposal applicants by the end of September of each fiscal year, to let them know if their projects have been approved or declined.
Alberta Lamb Producers invites you to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) for your research projects. We invite researchers with project proposals to complete theLetter of Intent Formand submit it no later than March 31, 2023. Full proposals will be solicited in April with the target of having proposals approved by September 2024.
It is important to note that projects will be ranked accordingly on the following criteria:
- Ability to fall within current ALP priorities. If your project addresses more than one priority this will be noted. Priority areas are listed on the ALP website.
- Ability to leverage funds. Projects with other funding partners will ranked higher than projects asking ALP for the full amount of funds. The more leveraged dollars you can achieve the better.
- Ability to communicate your research results and conclusions. Knowledge transfer to producers is of utmost importance. Mandatory activities include articles in the ALP quarterly N’ewesletters, factsheets, a report for producers and a report for the ALP Board. Other communication activities include presentations at producer events, articles in agricultural press, etc. Please note: if you fail to provide communication material you might be at risk of losing funding or not receiving funding in the future.
If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Scott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 403.948.8533.