ALP’s Executive Director, Ashley Scott had the privilege of representing the National Sheep Network (NSN) and advocating on behalf of their producers at the Canadian Federation of Agriculture’s AGM in Ottawa on Monday, March 6, 2023. The Prime Minister was in attendance delivering a speech and then took questions from some of the CFA members in attendance, along with our Agriculture and Agri-Foods Mister Marie-Claude Bibeau. The leaders for the five federal parties represented in the House of Commons were also on the agenda to speak which was followed up by a brief Q & A session from CFA members.
Trudeau was asked about a wide range of topics, including helping farmers cope with the increased cost of productions, grassland preservation, the fertilizer emissions reduction target and recognizing how innovative Canadian farmers are.
ALP’s affiliation with the NSN and their membership with the CFA, supports the sheep industry to be heard and included in advocacy efforts, on topics that matter to our farmers, as the CFA provides a unified voice to advocate for Canadian farmers at the national level.